Shipping & Delivery

Shipping & Delivery

We send goods from us no later than one day after ordering. The shipping time begins when you receive a shipment confirmation by email.

Digital products

Digital products have no shipping costs. This is sent free of charge by e-mail. The product is available within one working day at the latest (after sending text or images if you wish to include them in your order).

How much does shipping cost?

Shipping costs NOK 99,- on all items which is sent by post.

Free shipping on purchases over NOK 999,- must be added to the checkout when paying. Use the discount code: FRI1000, which is entered before the payment is made.

You will be sent a tracking number and the item must be collected from your nearest post office in store.

If you want the order delivered to your door instead, postage will cost NOK 199. PostNord will then deliver the package to your door. You agree with PostNord which time. This must possibly agreed in advance and marked as a comment when ordering. The postage must then be paid before dispatch.

Can I track my order?

All packages sent from KISS DEKOR are sent with a tracking number, which can be tracked on PostNord's website..

Where is my package sent from?

We use PostNord to send our packages. The packages are sent from Revetal just outside Tønsberg. You can also order goods in the online store and pick them up by appointment at KISS DEKOR Sigurd Jarls vei 20, 3174 Revetal.